
Matt Wilson

I have been a musician for over 40 years and love to compose, play and produce my own style of music. There is no particular genre I align to as I appreciate all forms of music. The music I plan to release from my catalogue will represent a wide range of genres, and I am always open to collaboration with other artists who share a similar passion.

1 24 Dec, 2023

New Song Release - Chasing Shadows

New Song Release ' Chasing Shadows'. Available on most streaming platforms from the 24th December 2023

2 24 Dec, 2023

New Song Release - Maybe You're The One

New Song Release 'Maybe You're The One'. Available on most streaming platforms from the 24th December 2023

3 19 Nov, 2023

First Song Release - Battle of Forgotten Worlds

First song release scheduled for Sunday 17th December 2023. 'Battle of Forgotten Worlds'